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The Brazilians came for the first time from the Autoridade Tributária and paid several times | Impostos

The Brazilians came for the first time from the Autoridade Tributária and paid several times | Impostos

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An Autoridade Tributária (AT), which in Portugal corresponds to the Federal Receita do Brasil, has taken care of making contributions in Mexico alone and dealing with people in the division of the local Treasury, including Brazil. The list of problems detected in the finance sector includes, among others, missing information on financial and billing transactions, errors that occurred in the court hour or in the tax declaration or refund of individuals (IRS).

The Brazilians have received several from the Autoridade Tributária and are aware that in all cases they are in the phase of competition. Advogados tributaristas say that the Portuguese Treasury is not suitable for catering and has forced many people, regardless of nationality, to graduate. Among the strangers, the Brazilians have been forced to join a larger immigrant community in Portugal.

The Receita Federal Brasileira was not commissioned by the Autoridade Tributária. “We still have as little information as possible from the Portuguese Tax Authority,” said Fernando Mombelli, Subsecretary of Tax and Contencioso of Receita. We need to reach an agreement between the two tax authorities not to give anything in return, because in practice there are no three months. Mas Mombelli confirmed that “the Portuguese and Brazilian tax authorities are interested in receiving new information from there all the time.”

Fernando Mombelli, Undersecretary of State of the Brazilian Federal Republic, was waiting for the Brazilian and Portuguese tax authorities to receive further information
Fernando Thompson

The lawyer Fábio Pimentel, clerk of Pimentel Aniceto Advogados, has informed that it is a request for the case of a Brazilian agent in charge of providing legal advice in the context of a summons that the Autoridade Tributária receives for preliminary clarification. In the card sent to the client, the Treasury explains the fate of the other consumption habits, which, however, were not declared in Portugal. The Brazilian received information and confirmed that he is bound to AT.

Catarina Zuccaro, CZ Advogado’s clerk, said she was a client, a military man stationed in Brazil, and said he had filed a criminal complaint in Portugal and was surprisingly rewarded with a sum of 4 million euros (R$24 million). “The problem is that I committed a crime in Brazil, which meant that a few months ago he had a bank account in Portugal and paid him tribute. “The solution is to re-apply for the IRS declaration and make a declaration to file a tax return to Portugal,” he confirmed.

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Two of us consulted advisors of PÚBLICO Brasil, there are also Portuguese cases that I have previously made this kind of clarification. The fate was new when the Brazilians died in Portugal and they were given a mistake by the Autoridade Tributária. Announced two days later in 2020, the Portuguese government was excluded from the Extinto Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) and already had 6.6 million Brazilians with a tax residence in the Luso territory.

For lawyers like Fábio Pimentel and other specialists, this figure is completely invalid, with the Brazilian population at its highest level when they lived in Portugal. Some people of Brazilian origin with over 1 million euros (6 million R$) in liquid assets have distributed over 700 million dollars in territories received from the Portogallo Family Office, which were great pawns with clerks in Lisbon, São Paulo and Santa Catarina. A Portuguese Tax Authority has been a reality for some time.

According to Catarina Zuccaro, an author of Tributária, she has received a “jeitinho” of legal and administrative information. And it is done by amostragem. In the event that consumption is mainly through credit and debit cards and the tax returns also include the tax identification number or the NIF (correspondent of the CPF in Brazil), they can be used for questions about purchase and origin of appeals.

“In Portugal, I experienced a kind of disappointment that the NIF declared the purchase price to be a great act of bravery. “For example, buying a car worth 50 million euros (R$300 million) could be a candidate for participation in this type,” he said. “I did not contribute because I am affected by NIF membership and the Autoridade Tributária can communicate that it contributed to prevent what happened,” he added.

She added: “I consider that the title of NIF does not have two beneficiaries, since the title of non-habitual resident (RNH) does not have tax incentives, and the benefits are not enough to support it.” “Good communications, can be confusing to explain”. Leaving, Assinala a Vogada, is always precise and easy to understand all the information so that no mistakes are made, although it can happen by mistake that it is large.

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Being Brazilian, Fernanda, who did not want to reveal a secret for reasons of the tax seal, was an interior designer and worked as a real estate agent. I received a message after finding out that I cannot go to the Autoridade Tributária de Portugal, but to a taxpayer in Brazil. “Faltou information. It was not possible to have permanent residence in Spain more than 182 years ago in Portugal. “I did not make an accurate communication to the Autoridade Tributária and at the same time declare the tax return for the Portuguese tax office,” she said.

For a designer, he must submit to the IRS in Portugal the commitment not to pay his residence in cash. “Unfortunately, information that does not come from the form organized for me. I have learned so much about this subject. “E isso é muito ruim”, frisa. Oh my dear Renato, I have not been held accountable and have not been authorized by the resident regime to settle few offenses by the governor. “Perdi essa opportunidade”, in addition to ele, que estar em tag com a Autoridade Tributária.

I have asked the Ministry of Finance, which asked the question to the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, even if it is subordinate to it, that “it was not necessary to direct a specific strategy or audit procedure to Brazilian cities, residents or non-residents in Portugal, to send them to the cities in question.” Due to the form of identification, if you retain two alienated persons, we ask you to provide the Tax Identification Number (NIF) or do not receive a response if you have received a notification of the tax return to voluntarily fulfill your obligations “Finance.”


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