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10 movie posters you didn’t know gave away the whole movie

10 movie posters you didn’t know gave away the whole movie

Movie posters are one of the most important parts of marketing a film. Successful posters make fans curious about what will happen in the film without giving away too many details. While many posters do a great job of capturing the essence of the film and convincing potential viewers to buy a ticket, some may have gone overboard by giving away the plot of the entire film. Even major franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe have done this once or twice.

Giving too much away can lead to disappointment for the viewer. After all, it’s not a good feeling when someone realizes they’ve been “tricked” into watching a film where the biggest twist exists only in their own imagination. Some posters definitely give the wrong impression by showing the end of a film.

10 The Japanese poster for “The Avengers: Infinity War” reveals what would happen to the AvengersThe Avengers: Infinity Wars poster reveals the film.


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Wolverine is one of the most famous X-Men and a very capable fighter, but even he sometimes has difficulty defeating certain enemies.

The Japanese poster of Avengers: Infinity War has a line in the caption that tells fans what happens to the strongest men in the world at the end of the movie. The rough translation is: “The Avengers were destroyed”, which is basically true, since Thanos succeeds in wiping out half of the population. The Avengers lose in Avengers: Infinity Warthe most unexpected twist in the whole film.

No one would expect this team to lose the fight. The point of superhero movies is to see the good guys win, but that is not the case with Avengers: Infinity War. The entire plot was kept top secret, but the Japanese poster certainly used their defeat as a marketing pitch. The team must lose before they can truly defeat the villain, and that happens in the next film. Avengers: Endgame.

9 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith spoils the final battleStar Wars Episode III – Revenge of the Sith – Movie poster with Darth Vader in the background

The end of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is the last film of the star Wars Prequel trilogy that tells the origin story of Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker is considered the chosen one who will bring balance to the universe. But the dark side approaches him and causes him to become Darth Vader instead. Throughout the film, Anakin struggles with his sense of belonging and his desire to become a Jedi Master while juggling his position in the Jedi Order and the fear of losing Padme.

At the end of the film there is a fight between Anakin and his master Obi-Wanin which he chooses the dark side to prevent Padmé from dying in childbirth. The poster definitely gives away what will happen to him, with the red color and the evil expression on his face (along with the fight in which he was injured).

8 The King Kong poster shows the skyscraper scene

Poster “King Kong” from 1993


10 ways King Kong has changed since 1933

King Kong’s latest escapades can be seen in Godzilla vs. Kong, but the primate has undergone a major transformation since his debut in the 1930s.

The year 1933 King Kong The poster basically shows the audience everything that happens at the end of the film on its poster. King Kong is brought to the city. After breaking free from his bonds, he begins to “explore” his new surroundings, which inevitably turns into a horror show. He terrorizes the residents and people begin to see him as a monster rather than a beautiful creature of the wild. Despite being perceived as a terrifying creature, King Kong actually forms a bond with a blonde girl, whom he picks up and holds in his bare hand (as seen in the poster).

7 The poster for “Thor: The Dark World” is full of spoilers

Loki reveals the ending of the film in the poster for Thor: The Dark World.

Loki apparently tricked the marketing team with the Thor: The Dark World Poster. The film poster reveals the whereabouts of the God of Mischief in Thor: Ragnarokas fans who watched the series later found out. Loki faked his death and returned to Asgard. After Thor refused to take the throne, Loki posed as Odin and ruled Asgard.

On the movie poster, Thor’s hammer lies next to his feet, and that’s not all. Odin’s helmet lies on the other side of the stairs, subtly suggesting that The Trickster would somehow find a way to outlive both his brother and his father and become the only god left in Asgard. In Thor: Ragnarokfans will find out that Loki ultimately did nothing as king. He neither conquered the Earth nor led an army to other parts of the galaxy. Instead, he ate grapes and had fun.

6 Terminator: Genisys poster reveals the ending

Terminator: Genisys - Movie Poster


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James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day is often considered the best installment in the franchise – here are the main reasons why.

The second trailer for Terminator Genisys reveals the biggest spoiler of the film. The poster did not disappoint cinemagoers either, as it contained a major revelation that the supposed hero, John Connor is actually a Terminator and the villain in the film. The twist doesn’t come until halfway through the film, and what’s worse: it’s the only twist in the film.

Many suspect that the marketing team was desperately trying to get viewers interested by spoiling the film in advance. From their perspective, it’s not hard to understand, as they may have thought that a spoiler would get more people to watch the “twist.” It worked, but it had a downside. It didn’t take long for angry fans to start complaining about the poster spoiler that ruined the entire viewing experience.

5 Pompeii’s last scene is her poster

The Pompeii poster reveals the ending.

The entire movie poster of Pompeii is a huge spoiler for the ending: the volcano erupts, the lovers kiss for the last time, and the caption “No warning. No escape” hovers over the image. It seems clear what will happen in the film – tragedy and death. While the poster seems romantic and makes viewers curious about the lovers’ chances of survival, the film itself is a disappointment as the ending doesn’t really get any better.

The lovers are eventually killed by the volcano after they kiss deeply. The poster couldn’t have been more obvious in giving away what was going to happen to them. While the image itself is intriguing enough for those who have never seen the film, it also ruins it in a fatal way. Moviegoers might have enjoyed the film more if the poster had been different.

4 Ender’s Game makes the same mistake

The poster for “Ender's Game” reveals the ending.


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Series like Black Mirror and Severance are incredible works of science fiction with their emphasis on the “scientific” aspect of the genre.

Ender’s Game is based on the best-selling science fiction novel of the same name, so fans who have already read the book know what will happen at the end of the film. The film tells the story of a gifted boy who carries the survival of humanity on his shoulders while playing simulated games. For those who haven’t read the book yet, this poster will certainly give you a taste of the most important scene in the film.

Ender is able to successfully stop the aliens by destroying their ships, which is what the poster shows. After firing the weapons at the aliens’ planet-like ship, it’s only predictable what will happen next. Ender’s victory is the biggest twist in the film. Sadly, the entire film has plot threads that lead up to this one key scene, so it’s almost heartbreaking that the poster gives it away so easily.

3 Carrie has the entire plot on his poster


The Stephen King adaptation of Carrie tells the classic horror story of a teenager living an isolated life because of her deeply disturbed mother. Carrie has telekinetic powers but is socially awkward and insecure, which leads to her being bullied by other kids at school. A mean girl named Norma jokingly had Carrie voted prom queen and doused her with a bucket of pig’s blood, which was the last straw for Carrie.

Carrie took full advantage of her mental powers and killed almost everyone present. The poster did everything in its power to spoil the climax of the film – on the left is the happy prom queen and on the right is the angry killer Carrie. The caption also adds: “If you want terror… take Carrie to the prom.” which literally warns viewers about the biggest twist in the film.

2 The impossible turns out to be possible

The Impossible Movie Poster


The 10 best biopics since 2000, ranking

Since the beginning of the 21st century, numerous biographical films have been released, including some of the most popular films of recent history.

The disaster drama of 2012 The impossible is based on a true story about the Bennett family. The film turned out to be one of the scariest non-horror films of all time. The Bennett family traveled to Thailand to celebrate Christmas in 2004. But soon after, they were caught in an earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, turning their vacation into a disaster.

The family was separated by the natural disaster, but surprisingly survived and found each other again. The poster gives away the ending of the film by showing their reunion. The impossible became possible and that is what the whole film is about.

1 Deadpool 2 poster reveals the ending of another film

The Cast of Deadpool 2 Poster

The humor of Deadpool 2 is that the poster didn’t give away the ending of the said film, but completely ruined the ending of another film. The poster continues the silliness of the character played by Ryan Reynolds and gives away a major plot point for those who didn’t get the chance to watch Logan, please. The caption above says it all: “From the studio that killed Wolverine.” Marvel fans who are familiar with the X-Men Franchise would have known that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine would finally meet his end in the critically acclaimed film, Loganin which Logan dies while protecting the next generation of mutants.


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