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1 to 7 September: strokes of fate throw us in all directions

1 to 7 September: strokes of fate throw us in all directions

Welcome to September – a month that will be like a whirlwind!

After a very slow August, September will be like strapping ourselves into a slingshot and speeding off. With each passing day, it will feel like there is an electric crackle in the air, like we are running toward a thunderstorm.

The entire month will be full of synchronicities, beginnings and endings as the twists of fate take us in all directions. That’s because we’re in the “dark season” – the time of year when fate changes before our eyes.

On September 1st, Uranus, the planet of the future, begins a retrograde motion that lasts until January 27th, helping us to review how we have built our lives since 2018.

Pluto, the planet of transformation, also returns to Capricorn on this day, for the final period of our lives until November 19. Expect a final push to change the structures in your reality—and on the world stage.

Mars, the planet of passion, dives into the foaming surf of Cancer from September 4 to November 3. This could stir us up emotionally and personally—or make us a little more defensive.

However, the most important turning point of this week will be the arrival of the New Moon in the sign of Virgo on September 2, 2024. In the coming week, we have the chance to become more productive and efficient and to review the balance between work and personal life.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Aries horoscope.

After weeks of your life – especially work – being thrown off track, things should start moving forward again, Aries. This week, you’re likely to take on more projects and responsibilities and juggle many different irons in the fire. If you’re looking to gain more clients or find a new job, you might be in luck.

Ultimately, focus on work-life balance to ensure you’re continuing to build yourself up—and not overextend yourself. You may also find that you need to take care of your physical health at this time, so talk to a doctor or specialist about how you can make the necessary—and positive—adjustments.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Taurus horoscope.

This is a pretty important week for you, Taurus. In fact, you may find yourself reflecting on how your life has unfolded over the past few years. If any projects or personal goals—especially those related to unleashing your most authentic self—are delayed at this time, you will be encouraged to take a new path to achieve them.

Yet this week is also one of the most important of 2024 when it comes to your passions and love life. Singles need to mingle – you might find someone who captures your attention and awakens your desire! If you’re in a relationship, plan something extra special to get closer to each other than ever before.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Gemini horoscope.

The coming week promises changes for you, Gemini, and you’ll reflect on where you’ve been. You might fall into a nostalgic and reflective mood, but luckily you should be able to incorporate the wisdom of the past into your next travels.

There may also be a new beginning at home, in your family or in your personal life. For example, some of you may be moving, redecorating or renovating. Others may see someone who lives with you – a family member or roommate – move in or move out. If for some reason one of your relatives needs attention, be sure to step in.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Cancer horoscope.

Life is moving forward again, Cancer, and you’re brimming with ideas and exciting plans. The coming week will highlight your intellect and ability to learn and stand up for yourself and your opinions. Some of you may find yourself engaging in new communication-related ventures or negotiating an important contract.

Additionally, travel may also be on the agenda as you visit nearby destinations or find that you need to be out and about more than usual in the coming weeks. If you do this, you may meet wonderful people and find that you enjoy the pace of life more.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Leo horoscope.

There could be a turning point in your career this week, Leo, so pay attention to any subtle news that comes up. On the one hand, it could mean a project or venture is being delayed, or on the other, a revelation that you need to take a new path to climb the career ladder.

In other news, the week ahead could also open doors to more money, such as a side hustle, a raise, a new client or a new job offer. Don’t just sit back and wait for it though – get out there, think green and make that money however you can!

Virgo (23 August to 22 September)

Virgo horoscope.

It’s birthday time, and you’re probably wondering what you want to work toward in the coming year, Virgo. The coming week is especially important for establishing the patterns you’ll experience in the year ahead—but also what will culminate next March.

As the Universe opens many doors for you, you need to be confident and strategically use your time and energy to plant many new seeds in your personal and professional life. Show the Universe your intention – don’t just sit back and wish your wishes come true. A whole new chapter of your life is about to begin. It’s time to commit.

Libra (23 September to 22 October)

Libra horoscope.

Although you’ll be feeling particularly hedonistic and radiant this month, you’ll also suddenly feel the urge to relax and stay calm, Libra. The week ahead could be the week you realize it’s best to reflect on where you’ve been this past year and what you want to work toward as your birthday season arrives. Think about the patterns you exist in on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and whether they build you up or destroy you. The key to getting everything you want out of life is to focus on knowing when to wait and when to strike. If something’s weighing you down, use this time to let it go.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Scorpio horoscope.

For years, your relationships have been unfolding before your eyes, Scorpio. This week, you might find that you need to look at them a little differently, or that you need to initiate an important conversation to clear the air. An ex might also suddenly cross your path or start popping into your head.

On another level, however, your social life is likely to be particularly active now, as friends and acquaintances try to get in touch with you. If you want to meet new friends or just chat with your favorites, now is an excellent time to do so. Asking for favors is also a great way to use this energy, so think about how you can reach out to your contacts for whatever you need.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Sagittarius horoscope.

A change seems to be coming in your work life, Sagittarius, bringing a transition in your responsibilities and general routines. Yet this week you may also have the opportunity to climb higher or make changes in your overall career. For example, you might see a job opening pop up that you’re perfectly suited for, or you might be offered a new role outright. A promotion, the chance for recognition and applause could also be coming your way. But don’t just wait for it to come to you—focus on how you can be as strategic as possible now to climb the career ladder so everyone knows what you have to offer.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Capricorn horoscope.

When it comes to your long-term vision, you always need to explore different paths to get there, Capricorn. However, the week ahead could help you break out of your routine, explore new horizons, and try new opportunities that will ultimately take you in new directions. Roll the dice and be adventurous!

On a different note, there could also be a sudden change in your love life this week. For example, you might notice your partner is acting a bit unusual and you need to address it. You might even hear from an ex – or find yourself thinking about them.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Aquarius horoscope.

The coming week could bring a sudden change in terms of family, home or domesticity, Aquarius. Something subliminal will emerge and encourage you to pay more attention to it.

On a different note, the coming week will see you focus intensely on what you give and receive in your relationships – be it personal or professional. Positive connections will give you more support now, but if you’re not getting what you need, the Universe is telling you to take action now, speak up, and find better solutions. Fortunately, things can work out in your favor – but it may ultimately take six months for that to happen.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Horoscope Pisces.

There’s a deep need in your soul telling you that you need to look at your relationships with complete honesty, Pisces. A sense of longing, distance, or expediency seems to echo in your mind. The week ahead will bring opportunities to unite and connect with someone of significance in business or love—or, instead, make you realize that you’re just not on the same wavelength. You hold far more power and weight in all of these decisions than you may realize. Consider that healthy connections now could also lead to bigger decisions in the future, like making long-term plans, signing contracts, or even tying the knot.

Kyle Thomas – known for his cosmic advice to celebrities, businesspeople and celebrity influencers – is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE’s weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!


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